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explorers club of pittsburgh

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General MEetings

The Explorers Club of Pittsburgh holds its general membership meeting at 7:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month. Immediately following the business meeting we customarily conduct a presentation of travels and adventures of members (sometimes an informational session or demonstration). The meetings are open to the public.  All current and prospective members are most welcome!

All ECP meetings will be available on as videoconference (Zoom):

2025 Schedule




 January 9th Wilkins Community Center Ryan Taylor tapped for Sap 30k and trail running
 February 13thWilkins Community Center Ben Minegar - CDT Through Hike
 March 13thWilkins Community CenterDon Wargowsky - 
 April 10thCWP WarehouseDan Rugh - Printing 
 May 8th
 July 10th 
 August 14th
 September 11th
 October  9th
 November  13th
 December  11th

2024 Schedule




 January Wilkins Community Center RM 101  
Alaska Hula Hula rafting trip!
 FebruaryWilkins Community Center  William Laney Nepal
 MarchWilkins Community Center Steevo Cummings  Great Divide Mountain Bike Trip
 AprilWilkins Community Center
Kiwi Aussie Nick on Skydiving 
 MayRiverview Park - Valley Refuge Shelter
Gates of the Arctic Alaska raft trip 
 JuneForbes and Braddock Shelter FRICK PARK  MEET AND GREET OTHER MEMBERS! 
 July3 Rivers Outdoor Co
Alex Prizzi on Cocodona 250 ultra marathon
 August3Roc Outpost Aspinwall
Annual Cookout 
 SeptemberRiverview Park - Valley Refuge Shelter Dan Kanitz
 OctoberWilkins Community Center RM 101 Adam Lytton  - Great Lakes Scuba Diving
 NovemberWilkins Community Center RM 101 Nick Suarez - Archeological work in Belize
 DecemberWilkins Community Center RM 105 Scott Corl - Hang Gliding

2023 Schedule




 JanuaryWilkins Community Center Jim Chen on Switzerland
 FebruaryWilkins Community Center Lenny Lucas on Colorado 
 MarchWilkins Communit Center Mason Risley on Backcountry Accidents 
 AprilWilkins Community Center Jason Miller on Adventure Racing
 MayRiverview Park - Valley Refuge ShelterDerek Stuart Flag Ceremony
 June3 Rivers Outdoors CompanyPresentation on the Rachel Carson Trail
 July3 Rivers Outdoors CompanyDrew Huck on adventure living in Alaska
 August3ROC outpost in AspinwallTBD - Annual Cookout
 SeptemberNorth Park - Roosevelt Grove Zach Coneybeer on Mt Kilamanjaro 
 OctoberNorth Park - Wyoming Shelter Jim Laird Flag Ceremony
 NovemberWilkins Community Center RM 101 Laird's in Alaska 
 DecemberWilkins Community Center RM 101 Logtown Quarry Climbing Information

2022 Schedule




 January Online only
Climbing and Solo Trekking in Red Rocks - Zach Coneybeer
 February Online only
Colorado Trail through hike - Ben Minegar [Recording]
 MarchOnline only
Summer Road Trip - Lenny Lucas
 April Boyce Park - Patrol Shelter
No Presentation
 May 3 Rivers Outdoors Company

Indigenous History of favorite local regions - Kelly Henderson

 June Phil Light's home  Hiking the John Muir Trail - Stephen Cummings
 July North Park - Avalon Shelter


 August Schenley Park - Vietnam Veteran's Pavilion
TBD ; Annual Cookout
 September 3 Rivers Outdoors Company

South Park - Forbes Shelter

Parking: Turn onto Stone Manse Drive,

park behind ranger station at the end of the road.

Link above will get you close to parking, not actual pavilion, which is at 40°19'05.1"N 80°00'21.0"W

 November Wilkins School Community Center
 December Wilkins School Community CenterTBD

2021 Presentation Diary



 January Camping in Boundary Waters, MN - George Cann
 February Gear Storage Discussion - Jessie Lehosky, Lenny Lucas, Ross Fly
 March 20 Days in Alaska - Brenda Keitzer
 April Boundary Waters - Drew Huck and William Smail

Living in a van down by the river - Mason Risley

 June No Presentation

2019 ECP Trip to Scotland - Fizz Stuart

 August Running Alchemy at the Cruel Jewel 100 - Ryan Taylor
 September Evolution Traverse in the High Sierras - Jeff Maurin
 October No Presentation
 November Hiking in the Mariposa Grove, and recent Wildfires - Phil Light
 December Kayaking in Alaska - Wenting Yu and Joris Kinable

2020 Presentation Diary



 January Road trip in Australia - Ron Edwards
 February "Road to Everest" - Manaslu - Don Wargowsky
 March Trekking to Everest Base Camp - Bill Baxter
 April South Korea - Jamie Chin
 May Relocating to Western US - Jim Burns
 June Post-lock down socialize and catch-up!

Phil Light's 3-month road trip across the South and West, Winter & Spring 2013

 August Presentation Canceled
 September Mandy Myers & friends climb Mt. Shasta
 October Trail running on the Appalachian Trail - Greg Buzulencia
 November Aid Climbing in Yosemite - Jeff Maurin
 December Girty's Woods Preservation - Brian Wolovich (Millvale resident and advocate)

PAST 2019 Presentations



 January 1992 trip on the Karakoram Highway - Fizz Stuart
 February Mt. Rainier and Mt. Shasta Trip Report
 March Logtown Quarry (climbing destination in Ohio) - Tom Thomas
 April Mountaineering School post-grad trip to Mt. Whitney - Julie Yarascavitch and Stacey Kellough
 May Trail Running and Endurance events - Phil Light and Brian Ottinger
 June Backcountry cook-off!

Cookout; Flag presentation for Tom Brooks; Hiking the Camino de Santiago - Brenda Keitzer

 August Orienteering puzzle challenge - Phil Light
 September Lichens and Fungi - La Monte Yarroll
 October Social Hour - everyone!
 November Mountaineering in the Alps (The Eiger) - Mason Risley
 December Atacama Desert and Patagonia - Cat Pavlov

Adopting the motto "Research, Education, and Adventure" in 1947, for three generations the ECP has provided the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new friends who share a willingness to accept the physical and mental challenges of outdoor exploration and adventure.

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