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explorers club of pittsburgh

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Honored Members

These are ECP members, past and present, bestowed Flag and/or Life Member honors.  See the club's Policy regarding these honors.

 Name Honor(s)
 Marilyn Anderson Flag
 Bill Baxter Flag
 Jamie Billings Flag
 George Bogel * Life, Flag
 Tom Brooks Flag
 Bill Brose Life, Flag
 Ed Coll * Flag
 Bruce Cox Life, Flag
 Bob Dezort Flag
 Felix Duvallet Flag
 Chris Dvonch Flag
 Ron Edwards Life, Flag
 Rick Huggins * Life, Flag
 John Iacovino Life, Flag
 Ivan Jirak * Life, Flag
 Chip Kamin * Flag
 Jim Laird Flag 
 Denise Lanigan Flag
 Pat Lawton Flag
 Bowen Lee Flag 
 Jack Lux Flag
 Jason Maruccio Flag
 Bruce McClellan Life, Flag
 Maggie McKenna Flag
 Alan Michael Flag
 David Micklo Flag
 Jack O'Hare * Life, Flag
 Brian Ottinger Life, Flag
 Kerry Parslow Flag
 Tom Prigg Flag
 Duke Schneider * Life, Flag
 Maggie Schneider Life, Flag
 Jim Schuring Flag
 Philip Sidel Life, Flag
 Bill Straub * Life, Flag
 Derek "Fizz" Stuart
 Samual Taggart Flag
 Mildred Thomas (Jirak) Life, Flag
 John Timo Flag
 Ginette Walker-Vinski Flag
 Don Wargowsky Flag

* Deceased

Adopting the motto "Research, Education, and Adventure" in 1947, for three generations the ECP has provided the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new friends who share a willingness to accept the physical and mental challenges of outdoor exploration and adventure.

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