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explorers club of pittsburgh

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Bike the Abandoned PA Turnpike with Venture Outdoors

  • 10/01/2022
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Abandoned Turnpike Parking Lot 3300-, 3346 Pump Station Rd Waterfall, PA 16689

Abandoned Turnpike Adventure Bike Ride

Commonly referred to as the Abandoned Turnpike, this 13 mile section of highway was once part of the Pennsylvania Turnpike but was bypassed in 1968 due to traffic backlogs. It has since become a popular tourist destination with 8.5 miles of accessible roadway that includes some gentle climbs and descents. Join us as we travel 17 miles round-trip along its crumbling asphalt surface and pass through 2 tunnels, one being nearly 6800 feet long!

This trip is suitable for mountain, comfort and hybrid bicycles but not recommended for road bikes with narrow tires. A helmet is REQUIRED for all Venture Outdoors biking outings and all participants will need a light source for inside the tunnels. No restrooms or water available along the trail.

Adopting the motto "Research, Education, and Adventure" in 1947, for three generations the ECP has provided the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new friends who share a willingness to accept the physical and mental challenges of outdoor exploration and adventure.

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