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explorers club of pittsburgh

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Mount Washington Cleanup

  • 04/29/2023
  • 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Mount Washington

(rescheduled from original April 1 date)

Sign up sheet:

Lindsey has your waivers and vehicle registration for parking.
*Where do I meet? *
Headquarters is at 200 Grandview Ave
*What time?*
You are absolutely welcome (and encouraged!) to stay the entire time,
the *project
is from 8:30am-1:30pm.* You signed up for some time slots, though *show up
whenever you need to and leave when you need to*. Just *make sure to check
in *with me when you arrive so I know you signed the waivers and before you
leave so you get your swag.
I'm going to grab* coffee ☕ *beforehand (*bring your own coffee mug*) and the Parks Conservancy will have some granola bars, there won't be much more for snacks, so plan ahead. I'll also be getting some bottled water, but I'd LOVE for you to *bring your own water bottle* (let's be sustainable!)
Councilperson Theresa Kail-Smith donated *pizza* that will get delivered around *12:30pm. *
*What gear do I need?*
*Must Haves:* Harness, helmet, closed toe shoes
*Suggestions:* water, snacks, raingear or sunscreen (watch the weather!),

ascending system for ropes 

I'll have the club ropes and webbing and a few extra harnesses/helmets
*Afterwards! *
*$5 climbing at Ascend Point Breeze! *That'd be fun! Hope to see you there!
If you've made it to the bottom of this long email, CONGRATULATIONS. 
Let me know if anyone wants to help me set up or tear down, I'll be there about 7:30am-2pm.

Shoot me a text or email with any questions! 412-477-8492

Thanks so much Allegheny Mountain Rescue Group and Pittsburgh PArks Conservancy for all the hard work and the ongoing partnership!

See you soon! -Lindsey

Adopting the motto "Research, Education, and Adventure" in 1947, for three generations the ECP has provided the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new friends who share a willingness to accept the physical and mental challenges of outdoor exploration and adventure.

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5715 Beacon Street, No. 516
Pittsburgh, PA   15217

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