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explorers club of pittsburgh

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ECP Climbing Social at Ascend South Side

  • 03/02/2023
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Ascend South Side
Hey Explorers!

Thursday March 2nd from 6:00p-8:00p, is the next ECP Social Climbing Night at ASCEND! Come on down to ASCEND to get some climbing in, and meet awesome people.

For those that may not be ASCEND members, ASCEND has been kind enough to offer $10 day passes for those who will be joining us for the social so make sure to mention that you're there for the ECP hang out / social climbing to get the discount at the desk. 

Paula and I look forward to seeing you there,


Adopting the motto "Research, Education, and Adventure" in 1947, for three generations the ECP has provided the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new friends who share a willingness to accept the physical and mental challenges of outdoor exploration and adventure.

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Pittsburgh, PA   15217

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