This is NOT AN ECP EVENT. It is organized on facebook. The event details below are reposted from there:
Pittsburgh’s Greatest Trail Run
SATURDAY April 6, 2024
Alpha Loop: about 8 miles, start time 8 am
Beta Loop: about 6 miles, start time 10 am
Gamma Loop: 4 miles, start time 11:30 am
Delta Loop: 2 miles, start time 12:30 pm
Run a loop or two . . .or run the Whole Mother Fricker.
All loops start and end at the big parking lot at the bottom of Frick Park. Look up “Frick Park Parking Lot” in
Google Maps. Get there early if you want a parking spot.
Clock it if you like because there's no Frick’n timer. As always there is NO Registration and NO Fee.
Please bring at least one non-perishable food donation (for the food pantry), and a pair of shoes (for the
homeless shelter) in any condition.
Bring your own fuel and hydration (food and drinks).
This is a popular thing. The lot might be full. Please carpool if possible, and consider walking from these
alternative parking options:
The neighborhood streets of Regent Square
One of the small lots along Commercial Ave
Other Frick Park lots
You might want to bring a camp chair to the Mother Fricker for in between loops.
You might want trail shoes with big Frick’n lugs.
And like three pairs of socks, and maybe a snorkel.
Trail running is fun, but potentially dangerous. You might roll an ankle. You might get lost and have to ask somebody for directions. You might accidently get bumped off the trail by another runner, trip, and tumble down a steep hill into a creek, where you get wet and then, if it’s cold out, maybe become hypothermic.
Then, as you shiver on the slog back to your car, you might realize you can’t find your keys and have to ask for a ride to the ER so you can get bandaged up.
It might hurt. There might be blood. It might be embarrassing. But it will be an accident.
Accidents are bound to happen in the woods and when they do, nobody is at fault.
So, if you join in on the Mother Fricker trail run, or run on any other trails in any other forest on April 8, 2023, you’re doing so at your own discretion and assuming all liability.
You assume all risks and waive all liability from all those who have generously volunteered their time and even some of their wallet contents to put together a really awesome course for you to run. It’s on you.